Go to the YAC Foundation's secure ePayment site to make a donation by credit card or checking/savings account. |
The Yale Alumni Chorus Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable foundation. While members who tour with the Chorus pay their own expenses, the organization itself and all of its community engagement are funded by donations from those who support its mission of using song to promote understanding and good will around the world.
Since its first trip to China in 1998 YAC has brought the power of song to 12 countries and we have made donations in support singing in each of these countries. In Brazil and Guatemala we underwrote the establishment of new choral programs for youth in disadvantaged areas. In Chile we brought educational materials on classical composers to be added to their music education program. In South Africa we left behind some very tangible benefits for the Melodia Music Project in Soweto, for the All Saints Blind Choir in Pretoria, for the Ubuntu Education Fund and the Eastern Cape Philharmonic Orchestra’s instrumental education program in Port Elizabeth, and the Simon Estes Music High School in Cape Town. In Port Elizabeth we also helped General Motors recognize the opportunities to connect with the townships in new ways.
In the United States we are collaborating with the Metropolitan Opera Guild’s Urban Voices Program to promote choral singing in the schools of New York City and Boston. In 2012 we joined with the Yale Glee Club to support the First International Choral Festival held in New Haven. The Festival brought together four choruses from China, Indonesia, South Africa and England for a week of singing, learning, and exploring the connections that choral music fosters among people.
We hope you will make a generous gift to the Yale Alumni Chorus Foundation to help us continue this work in the future.
You can contribute online using the Donate Online button, or send a check to:
Yale Alumni Chorus Foundation
P.O. Box 209036
New Haven, CT 06520
For gifts of securities, please contact Irma Garcia, Administrative Director, at igarcia@yalealumnichorus.org.
For details regarding planned giving, please contact Frank Estes at (203) 393-3159.
We can be reached via email at mail@yalealumnichorus.org.