
Board of Directors

Back row, L to R: Charlie Dilks, Eric Schweikert, Jere Johnston, Laura Couchman, Roy Byrd, Griff Resor, Randall Doud
Middle Row: Mary Sue Lindley Geiger, Irma Garcia, Roberto Martinez, Jesse Eshkol, Miguel Garcia, Susan Doud
Front Row: John Darrow (Treasurer), Mark Alberta (President), Brit Geiger (Vice-President)

Board of Directors 2024-2025

Paul Sheehan '98 (2023), President
Valerie Norton '87 (2019), Vice-President
Jon Clune '74 (2018), Director
Rick Collins '60 (2021), Director
Mark Curchack '69 (2020), Secretary
John Darrow '69 (2021), Treasurer
Don Edwards '64 (2024), Director
Ted Everett (2024), Director
Mark Fittipaldi '72 (2024), Director
Jacob Metrick '13 (2023), Director
Mande Mischler (2022), Chair, Communications
Brian Mountford '86 (2020) Chair, Technology and Music
Gwen Myers '94 (2021) Co-chair, Scholarship
Esther Portyansky '16 (2021), Director
Kyle Pruett '65 (2022), Director
Griff Resor '62 (2017), Treasurer
Eric Schweikert '85 (2019), Director
Julia Travers Rickert '97 (2022), Director
Brenda Ungerland (2024), Director
Kiri Van Lengen Welty '17 (2023), Director
Amy Weller (2024), Director
Ray Wells '75 (2020), Chair, Governance
Bebe Williamson (2018), Co-chair, Scholarship

Apostrophe and a year indicates year of graduation from Yale. Year in parentheses indicates year the director joined the board.

Directors' are divided into three classes of approximately equal size, elected in staggered terms to ensure continuity.  Directors can serve up to two three-year terms, but must stand for re-election at the end of their first three-year term if they desire to be considered for a second three-year term.  Terms end at the Annual Meeting in the year indicated in parentheses.


Irma Garcia, Administrative Director

Annual Reports

Click on a year to download that year's report.